Samsung Mobile Display Co., a venture between Samsung Electronics Co. and its sister unit Samsung SDI Co., are building a new plant that produces displays used in phone handsets and small televisions.
The plant in Asan city, 42 kilometres southwest of Seoul, South Korea, will be completed by July next year. Samsung Mobile Display plans to spend 2.5 trillion won (US$2.11 billion) on the plant.
The joint venture will produce active-matrix organic light-emitting diode (AM OLED) displays, which are used in portable devices such as mobile phones and small TVs.
LIOS Technology recently completed the installation of its real time condition monitoring system supervising three 154kV high voltage cable systems on site. Condition monitoring is based on LIOS’ Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) System OTS20P with a 16 channel fibre switch.
The distributed temperature profiles of the energy transmission systems made by Prysmian Cables & Systems are measured in real time by embedded fibre optics using FIMT . The DTS readings are visualised at the central control and dispatch centre ensuring save operation and allowing exploitation of the high voltage cable routes at full capacity potential.
(with material of Yonhap )
DTS are Distributed Temperature Sensing systems which measure temperatures by means of optical fibers functioning as linear sensors.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Sistema Óptico de Medición de Temperatura Distribuida (DTS)
Distributed Temperature Sensing |
Los sistemas de fibra óptica son adecuados no sólo para la transmisión de información, sino también como sensores distribuidos localmente. Las magnitudes físicas de medida como la temperatura o las fuerzas de compresión y de tracción pueden influir en las fibra de vidrio y modificar localmente las propiedades de los conductores de luz en la fibra. Como resultado de la atenuación de la luz en las fibras de vidrio de cuarzo producida por la dispersión, se puede determinar el lugar de una influencia física externa, de manera que la guía de ondas de luz se puede utilizar como un sensor lineal.
El llamado efecto Raman es especialmente apropiado para la medición de la temperatura con guíaondas de luz de vidrio de cuarzo. En el interior de la fibra de vidrio, la luz se dispersa en fluctuaciones de densidad microscópicas, que son menores que la longitud de onda. En la retrodispersión, junto al coeficiente de dispersión elástica (Dispersión de Rayleigh) en la misma longitud de onda que la luz incidente, también se encuentran componentes adicionales en otras longitudes de onda, que están acoplados a la oscilación molecular y, por tanto, a la temperatura local (Dispersión de Raman).
Procedimiento de medición
El sistema de medición de temperatura por fibra óptica (DTS) se basa en un procedimiento de retrodispersión Raman por fibra óptica. El detector de calor (sensor de temperatura) propiamente dicho, es un cable guíaondas fibroóptico sensible al calor y a la radiación. Por medio de un aparato de evaluación (reflectómetro óptico Raman) se pueden determinar con resolución espacial los valores de temperatura en la fibra de vidrio del cable guíaondas. Las guíaondas de luz tienen atenuaciones mínimas. La atenuación mínima posible de las fibras de vidrio está limitada por la dispersión Rayleigh de la luz, causada por la estructura amorfa de la fibra de vidrio. Además de la dispersión de Rayleigh, si se producen influencias térmicas en el material de fibra de vidrio se origina otra dispersión de la luz, la llamada dispersión de Raman. Los cambios de temperatura inducen vibraciones reticulares en la estructura molecular del vidrio de cuarzo. Si la luz incide en estas oscilaciones moleculares estimuladas térmicamente, se produce una interacción entre las partículas de luz (fotones) y los electrones de la molécula. En el guíaondas de luz tiene lugar la dispersión de luz dependiente de la temperatura (dispersión de Raman) que, a diferencia de la luz incidente, se desplaza espectralmente en una cantidad equivalente a la frecuencia de resonancia de la vibración reticular.
En comparación con la dispersión de Rayleigh, la dispersión de Raman posee un coeficiente de dispersión muy pequeño, prácticamente irrelevante, y no puede medirse con la técnica clásica OTDR. La intensidad de la banda Anti-Stokes depende de la temperatura, mientras que la banda Stokes es prácticamente independiente de ésta. La medición de la temperatura local en un punto cualquiera de la guía de ondas, resulta de la “proporción de las intensidades de luz Anti-Stokes y Stokes”. Una particularidad de esta técnica de Raman, es la medición directa de la temperatura con una escala Kelvin. Utilizando un procedimiento de retrodispersión óptico Raman, se puede medir la temperatura a lo largo de la fibra de vidrio como una función de lugar y de tiempo. El procedimiento de retrodispersión más conocido es el sistema OTDR (OTDR: Optical Time Domain Reflectometry). Éste trabaja según un procedimiento de eco de impulsos, mediante el que el nivel y el lugar de dispersión se determinan a partir de la diferencia de tiempo de propagación entre la emisión y la detección de los impulsos de luz. En comparación con la luz dispersa de Rayleigh, en la medición de luz dispersa de Raman existe una señal de retrodispersión más pequeña con un factor 1000. Un sensor de temperatura Raman distribuido localmente con la técnica OTDR, por lo tanto, sólo es factible con fuentes de láser pulsado (en láser de estado sólido general) de alta potencia (caras) y con rápidas técnicas de promediación de señal igualmente caras.
El sensor térmico Raman OFDR (OFDR, Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry) desarrollado por la empresa LIOS Technology GmbH, no trabaja como la técnica OTDR en un margen temporal, sino en una gama de frecuencias. El procedimiento OFDR proporciona información sobre el desarrollo térmico local, cuando la señal de dispersión detectada durante el tiempo de medición completo se mide como una función de frecuencia de forma compleja (función compleja de transmisión) y, a continuación, se somete a la transformada de Fourier. Las ventajas fundamentales de la técnica OFDR son el modo prácticamente continuo del láser y la detección de banda estrecha de la señal óptica de retrodispersión, por lo que se alcanza una relación señal-ruido notablemente más alta que con la técnica por impulsos. Esta ventaja técnica posibilita la aplicación de diodos de láser semiconductorizados económicos y la utilización de módulos electrónicos más económicos para la promediación de señales. Frente a ésta, se encuentra la medición, técnicamente difícil, de la luz dispersa de Raman (medición compleja según cantidad y fase) y un costoso procesado de señal mediante el cálculo de la Transformada rápida de Fourier (FFT), con exigencias más elevadas de linealidad de los módulos electrónicos.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Pipeline Monitoring – Locating leakages at oil and gas pipelines
Leaks occurring in underground pipelines constitute a substantial danger for both, human beings and the environment. Oil escaping from pipelines pollutes the earth and ground water.
Leaking gas creates the danger of fires and explosions. In addition, leaks bring about large economic losses. It is extremely important to locate leaks as soon as they occur and to be able to locate small leaks. Until now, monitoring systems have only reacted to large leaks and have not been able to pinpoint them accurately. Oil leaks cause temperature anomalies below the pipeline, whereas escaping gas induces a temperature decrease above the pipeline due to the easing of pressure.
Efficient leak location and the long-term monitoring of gas and oil pipelines can therefore be achieved by measuring the temperatures along a pipeline and observing how these temperatures vary over time. Optical-fibre, temperature-measuring technology presents new opportunities in this connection.
An optical-fibre, temperature-measuring cable is laid along a pipeline, enabling the temperatures in the ground to be measured simultaneously over long pipeline distances with a high degree of locational accuracy.
The sensor cable is completely passive electrically and can therefore by fitted to pipelines where a high risk of explosions exists.
The leakage-location principle by means of optical-fibre, temperature-measuring technology
Using optical-fibre, temperature measuring to monitor pipelines makes possible:
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Leaking gas creates the danger of fires and explosions. In addition, leaks bring about large economic losses. It is extremely important to locate leaks as soon as they occur and to be able to locate small leaks. Until now, monitoring systems have only reacted to large leaks and have not been able to pinpoint them accurately. Oil leaks cause temperature anomalies below the pipeline, whereas escaping gas induces a temperature decrease above the pipeline due to the easing of pressure.
Efficient leak location and the long-term monitoring of gas and oil pipelines can therefore be achieved by measuring the temperatures along a pipeline and observing how these temperatures vary over time. Optical-fibre, temperature-measuring technology presents new opportunities in this connection.
An optical-fibre, temperature-measuring cable is laid along a pipeline, enabling the temperatures in the ground to be measured simultaneously over long pipeline distances with a high degree of locational accuracy.
The sensor cable is completely passive electrically and can therefore by fitted to pipelines where a high risk of explosions exists.
The leakage-location principle by means of optical-fibre, temperature-measuring technology
Using optical-fibre, temperature measuring to monitor pipelines makes possible:
- The economical location of leakages and the long-term monitoring of pipelines
- The monitoring of pipeline sections up to 30 km long by means of a system
- The opportunity of linking individual systems to form an overall system to monitor longer sections if necessary
- The quantifying of leakage rates using model calculations
- It is not necessary to empty and clean the pipeline before inspecting it
- Shutting-down the pipeline is not necessary
- Small quantities of escaping oil can be exactly detected and located
- Damage can be identified in its early stages
Read more:
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Distributed Temperature Sensing, the Motor for Tunnel Innovation and Safety in Croatia
Tunnels are sensitive traffic bottlenecks and consequently extraordinary vulnerable in case of accidents or fire blasts. Danger for life and enormous economic consequences ask also for technical solutions of prevention and limitation of damage.
LIOS Technology and its Croatian partner Tehnomobil have set a new standard for modern fire safety solutions for the road tunnel network in Croatia.
Croatia is located in South-Central Europe and shows diverse terrain, including: rolling hills in the continental north and northeast, densely wooded mountains and rocky coastlines on the Adriatic Sea. The highlight of Croatia's recent infrastructure developments is its rapidly growing highway network which puts focus on tunnels as well.
Tehnomobil’s excellent engineering and contracting background in traffic infrastructure and fire fighting industries perfectly match with LIOS Technology’s comprehensive experience in fire detection applications for tunnels and special hazard buildings with an impressive track record of more than 2000 installed fibre optic temperature sensing systems worldwide.
Best fire surveillance for more than 90 % of the road tunnels in Croatia
At present an impressive share of more than 90 % of the Croatian road tunnels are equipped with the fibre optic fire detection system by LIOS Technology. In 28 tunnels with in total 55 tunnel tubes the purely passive LIOS fibre optic line sensor cable has been installed by Tehnomobil for reliable and fast fire detection. Those tunnels with tube lengths ranging from 500m to almost 6000m were newly opened in recent years or re-opened after full refurbishments where the conventional line type fire detection system could be replaced by the fibre optic LIOS system. Within LIOS Technology’s long list of tunnel projects in Croatia it is worth to stress the tunnels Veliki Glozac and Brinje which received best scores at recent European tunnel safety rankings.
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LIOS Technology and its Croatian partner Tehnomobil have set a new standard for modern fire safety solutions for the road tunnel network in Croatia.
Croatia is located in South-Central Europe and shows diverse terrain, including: rolling hills in the continental north and northeast, densely wooded mountains and rocky coastlines on the Adriatic Sea. The highlight of Croatia's recent infrastructure developments is its rapidly growing highway network which puts focus on tunnels as well.
Tehnomobil’s excellent engineering and contracting background in traffic infrastructure and fire fighting industries perfectly match with LIOS Technology’s comprehensive experience in fire detection applications for tunnels and special hazard buildings with an impressive track record of more than 2000 installed fibre optic temperature sensing systems worldwide.
Best fire surveillance for more than 90 % of the road tunnels in Croatia
At present an impressive share of more than 90 % of the Croatian road tunnels are equipped with the fibre optic fire detection system by LIOS Technology. In 28 tunnels with in total 55 tunnel tubes the purely passive LIOS fibre optic line sensor cable has been installed by Tehnomobil for reliable and fast fire detection. Those tunnels with tube lengths ranging from 500m to almost 6000m were newly opened in recent years or re-opened after full refurbishments where the conventional line type fire detection system could be replaced by the fibre optic LIOS system. Within LIOS Technology’s long list of tunnel projects in Croatia it is worth to stress the tunnels Veliki Glozac and Brinje which received best scores at recent European tunnel safety rankings.
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distributed temperature sensing,
fiber optic,
fire detection,
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Introduction to Distributed Temperature Sensing
Distributed Temperature Sensing Systems (DTS) are optoelectronic devices which measure temperatures by means of optical fibres functioning as linear sensors. Temperatures are recorded along the optical sensor cable, thus not at points, but as a continuous profile. A high accuracy of temperature determination is achieved over great distances.
Measuring Principle - Raman Effect
Physical measurement dimensions, such as temperature or pressure and tensile forces, can affect glass fibres and locally change the characteristics of light transmission in the fibre. As a result of the attenuation of the light in the quartz glass fibres through scattering, the location of an external physical effect can be determined so that the optical fibre can be employed as a linear sensor.
Optical fibres are made from doped quartz glass. Quartz glass is a form of silicon dioxide (SiO2) with amorphous solid structure. Thermal effects induce lattice oscillations within the solid. When light falls onto these thermally excited molecular oscillations, an interaction occurs between the light particles (photons) and the electrons of the molecule. Light scattering, also known as Raman scattering, occurs in the optical fibre. Unlike incident light, this scattered light undergoes a spectral shift by an amount equivalent to the resonance frequency of the lattice oscillation.
The light scattered back from the fibre optic therefore contains three different spectral shares:
Measuring Principle - OFDR Technology
Latest DTS evaluation units deploy the method of Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry (OFDR) . The OFDR system provides information on the local characteristic when the backscatter signal detected during the entire measurement time is measured as a function of frequency in a complex fashion, and then subjected to Fourier transformation. The essential benefits of OFDR technology are the quasi continuous wave mode employed by the laser and the narrow-band detection of the optical back scatter signal, whereby a significantly higher signal to noise ratio is achieved than with conventional pulse technology (OTDR). This technical benefit allows the use of affordable semiconductor laser diodes and electronic assemblies for signal averaging.
The optical frequency domain reflectometry has been developed as a high-resolution measurement process for the characterisation of optical wave guides with length dimensions of just a few millimetres. In contrast, its application for the Raman backscatter measurement was introduced and patented by the company LIOS Technology.
Schematic system set up
The temperature measuring system consists of a controller (frequency generator, laser source, optical module, HF mixer, receiver and micro-processor unit) and a quartz glass fibre (fibre optic) as line-shaped temperature sensor.
The design is three-channel, since an additional reference channel is required besides the two measurement channels (Anti-Stokes and Stokes). Corresponding to the OFDR system, the power output of the laser runs through the sinus-shaped frequency starting from a starting frequency in the kilohertz range through the ending frequency in the high megahertz range within a measurement time interval with the help of the High Frequency (HF) modulator. The resulting frequency shift is a direct measurement of the local resolution of the reflectometer. The frequency-modulated laser light is connected to the fibre optic-sensor via the optical module.
The continuously back-scattered Raman light is spectrally filtered in the optical module and converted into electrical signals by means of photo detectors. Then the measurement signals are amplified and mixed in the Low Frequency spectral range (LF range). The Fourier transformation of the averaged LF signals results in the two Raman backscatter curves. The amplitudes of these backscatter curves are proportional to the intensity of the Raman scattering of the viewed location. The fibre temperature along the sensor cable results from the amplitude ratio of the two measurement channels.
High Reliability and Industrial Strength
The semiconductor laser diode has been thoroughly type tested according the Telcordia GR-468 standard. It fulfils telecom standards with a medium lifetime of more than 25 years. The entire system was comprehensively evaluated by various independent international bodies (e.g. the VdS, the association of German asset insurers) including EMC tests as well as endurance tests at accelerated aging environments. Field data of the huge installed base prove the exceptional high reliability of the controllers.
Measuring Principle - Raman Effect
Physical measurement dimensions, such as temperature or pressure and tensile forces, can affect glass fibres and locally change the characteristics of light transmission in the fibre. As a result of the attenuation of the light in the quartz glass fibres through scattering, the location of an external physical effect can be determined so that the optical fibre can be employed as a linear sensor.
Optical fibres are made from doped quartz glass. Quartz glass is a form of silicon dioxide (SiO2) with amorphous solid structure. Thermal effects induce lattice oscillations within the solid. When light falls onto these thermally excited molecular oscillations, an interaction occurs between the light particles (photons) and the electrons of the molecule. Light scattering, also known as Raman scattering, occurs in the optical fibre. Unlike incident light, this scattered light undergoes a spectral shift by an amount equivalent to the resonance frequency of the lattice oscillation.
The light scattered back from the fibre optic therefore contains three different spectral shares:
- the Rayleigh scattering with the wavelength of the laser source used,
- the Stokes line components with the higher wavelength in which photons are generated, and
- the Anti-Stokes line components with a lower wavelength than the Rayleigh scattering, in which photons are destroyed.
Measuring Principle - OFDR Technology
Latest DTS evaluation units deploy the method of Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry (OFDR) . The OFDR system provides information on the local characteristic when the backscatter signal detected during the entire measurement time is measured as a function of frequency in a complex fashion, and then subjected to Fourier transformation. The essential benefits of OFDR technology are the quasi continuous wave mode employed by the laser and the narrow-band detection of the optical back scatter signal, whereby a significantly higher signal to noise ratio is achieved than with conventional pulse technology (OTDR). This technical benefit allows the use of affordable semiconductor laser diodes and electronic assemblies for signal averaging.
The optical frequency domain reflectometry has been developed as a high-resolution measurement process for the characterisation of optical wave guides with length dimensions of just a few millimetres. In contrast, its application for the Raman backscatter measurement was introduced and patented by the company LIOS Technology.
Schematic system set up
The temperature measuring system consists of a controller (frequency generator, laser source, optical module, HF mixer, receiver and micro-processor unit) and a quartz glass fibre (fibre optic) as line-shaped temperature sensor.
The design is three-channel, since an additional reference channel is required besides the two measurement channels (Anti-Stokes and Stokes). Corresponding to the OFDR system, the power output of the laser runs through the sinus-shaped frequency starting from a starting frequency in the kilohertz range through the ending frequency in the high megahertz range within a measurement time interval with the help of the High Frequency (HF) modulator. The resulting frequency shift is a direct measurement of the local resolution of the reflectometer. The frequency-modulated laser light is connected to the fibre optic-sensor via the optical module.
The continuously back-scattered Raman light is spectrally filtered in the optical module and converted into electrical signals by means of photo detectors. Then the measurement signals are amplified and mixed in the Low Frequency spectral range (LF range). The Fourier transformation of the averaged LF signals results in the two Raman backscatter curves. The amplitudes of these backscatter curves are proportional to the intensity of the Raman scattering of the viewed location. The fibre temperature along the sensor cable results from the amplitude ratio of the two measurement channels.
High Reliability and Industrial Strength
The semiconductor laser diode has been thoroughly type tested according the Telcordia GR-468 standard. It fulfils telecom standards with a medium lifetime of more than 25 years. The entire system was comprehensively evaluated by various independent international bodies (e.g. the VdS, the association of German asset insurers) including EMC tests as well as endurance tests at accelerated aging environments. Field data of the huge installed base prove the exceptional high reliability of the controllers.
distributed temperature sensing,
fiber optic,
sensor cable,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
WETEX Dubai 2010:Green code for building utilities from April
Dubai will launch the green building regulations related to utilities next month and will give contractors of new projects five months to comply with the new rules.
The move will make Dubai the first city in the Middle East that officially applies the green building standards to its residential and commercial buildings.
"In the initial stage, all new buildings will be required to comply with the codes and regulations and incorporate them in their construction designs," said Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, Managing Director and CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority.
Read the full article here
The move will make Dubai the first city in the Middle East that officially applies the green building standards to its residential and commercial buildings.
"In the initial stage, all new buildings will be required to comply with the codes and regulations and incorporate them in their construction designs," said Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, Managing Director and CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority.
Read the full article here
Electricity and Water Authority,
green building,
Middle East,
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Intelligent Well Completion - Special Focus on "World Oil" magazine
Right from the oil industry’s beginning, people wanted to know more about the reservoirs that they were exploiting. This included having a more sound understanding about reservoir behaviour and obtaining knowledge on how to optimize hydrocarbon recovery. As it was, and still is, impossible to look directly into a reservoir, other ways to obtain information about it needed to be investigated. Direct surface measurements were helpful and are still required today, but downhole sensing quickly became an important topic for reservoir monitoring.
The first sensors were for pressure measurements and then temperature. Nowadays, micro-sensing images a whole ground section in 3D. A lot of information can be derived from relatively easy temperature measurements along the borehole. The advances in fibre optics and packaging, and the experience gained over the last five to 10 years, has enabled the industry to deliver low-cost DTS systems. An additional factor has been further development of industry standards and electronics, enabling personnel to build an architecture that allows data flow from the well to the production technologist’s desk.
Reprinted from: World Oil, May 2007 issue, pgs 37–44.
Read more:
Download complete "World Oil" article on permanent downhole temperature sensing | |
Oil and gas well optimisation and reservoir performance improvement |
Friday, February 5, 2010
On-line registrations for CIGRE 2010 Session are open
International Council on Large Electric Systems
Over 80 years back, and every two years since, CIGRE has brought together electrical engineers from all over the World for a unique event - the CIGRE Session. The reason for the ever growing audience of CIGRE has always been and continues to be the high quality of papers presented and the topical interest of the subjects discussed, of direct concern for the Power Industry. In 2008 the number of attendees increased beyond expectations to reach the record figure of 3000 Delegates.
On-line registrations for CIGRE 2010 Session are open
Session 2010 Paris, France. 22 - 27 August 2010
Should you wish to attend the CIGRE Conference and benefit from early bird rates, you should register before 30/04/2010.
From 01/05 to 31/07/2010 - Registrations: fee 2
From 01/08/2010 - Registrations: fee 3
See for the General Programme, the Technical Programme and Accommodation information CIGRE website.
What you must know about the CIGRE Session?
An event designed to meet the expectations of each and everyone
- Monday dedicated to 2 Panels on broad topics: “The Need for increased Intelligence in Power Systems”; “Large disturbances”.
- Tuesday to Friday: 16 “Discussion Meetings” – 4 parallel sessions each day.
- Tuesday to Thursday: 6 “Poster Sessions” are scheduled for Delegates to meet with paper authors.
- A Technical Exhibition in the same location.
- A unique opportunity to interact with more than 4400 delegates and visitors from all over the world, managers and experts from all sectors of the Power Industry.
- The CD-Rom of Session Papers (approx. 400) is forwarded to the Delegates. For fruitful discussions Delegates are strongly encouraged to read the Papers before the Session as these
- Papers are not presented by their authors, but discussed in Discussion Meetings.
- Discussion Meetings are organized on the basis of a “Special Report” which incorporates the gist of the Session Papers and raises a number of questions for discussion.
- Intended speakers prepare their contributions on the basis of the questions raised (to be sent in a few days in advance or handed in the day before discussion).
- Contributors are required to meet with Chairmen of Discussion Meetings the day before Discussion.
- For each Discussion Meeting a “Daily Summary of Discussions” is issued and available the next day.
- Take a look at the Technical Programme posted on, links “Events”, “Sessions”
- Register early so as to have time to read the Papers well ahead of the event
- See the Special Reports on the web
- If you plan to present a contribution, prepare it as explained in the “Guide for Discussion Contributors” posted on the web.
CIGRE (International Council on Large Electric Systems) is one of the leading worldwide Organizations on Electric Power Systems, covering their technical, economic, environmental, organisational and regulatory aspects.
A permanent, non-governmental and non-profit International Association, based in France, CIGRE was founded in 1921 and aims to:
- Facilitate and develop the exchange of engineering knowledge and information, between engineering personnel and technical specialists in all countries as regards generation and high voltage transmission of electricity.
- Add value to the knowledge and information exchanged by synthesizing state-of-the-art and world practices.
- Make managers, decision-makers and regulators aware of the synthesis of CIGRE's work, in the area of electric power.
- The general rule is for participants to register with their National Committee (the list of the 22 National Committees handling registrations is available on the CIGRE website, link "What you must know about the registration process").
- As from 1st January 2010 CIGRE is no longer liable to VAT; hence a 0% VAT rate applies for CIGRE services, i.e. Session registrations, publications purchased, membership fees: all tariffs are VAT free, for all countries.
It is recalled that according to European Union regulations the VAT reference number (when there is one) must be supplied as it is mandatory for it to appear on all invoices.
Please forward this note to your colleagues and all persons who may be interested in the conference subjects.
CIGRE 2010 Session,
Palais des congrès,
smart grid,
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Integrated Condition Monitoring for High Voltage Cables: Direct link to SCADA / substation automation
The intrinsic temperature measuring system DTS based on LIOS Technology’s design, with fibre optic sensors either installed within the power cable’s cross section (FIMT - Fibre in metal tube ) or attached to the exterior of the cable, makes it possible to record the temperature profile along an entire cable route continuously, and to pinpoint the exact location of hot spots within a metre.
Most commonly the measured temperature profile data is transmitted via standard interfaces from systems of the DTS as required, and be either displayed or further processed by PC, PLC or SCADA systems. As a result of the increasing demands placed on the ability to network and integrate measuring systems into management systems, LIOS offers network components that summarise DTS data from several DTS units and transport or convert it to the required network standards and protocols like Modbus, DNP3, IEC60870-5 or XML based data interfaces (e.g. POSC).
Equipped with the Embedded Communication Module (ECM) the Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) evaluation unit is accessible by Ethernet/ LAN, holds its own IP address and is compatible with DHCP.
The on-board storage facility of measurement data provides automatic buffering of network break downs. It can handle multiple protocols, so the DTS can be directly linked to PLC or SCADA systems and communicates in various industrial protocol standards providing measured data and customised alarm information.
Hereby, the evaluation unit communicates as a TCP /IP server with several clients.
Features of the embedded communication module of the LIOS DTS controller:
- Configuration and operation of the DTS via two independent channels:
- RS232
- Ethernet TCP/IP
- Onboard storage of measurement data
- Buffers up to 72 hours of measurement data and initiates data transfer automatically after communication link was re-established
- Individual file access to measurement data through CHARON_02 (onboard data storage 1 GB)
- Allows to operate individual Plug-In-Interfaces for customer specific protocol solutions
- The DTS can communicate in parallel with its proprietary protocol and one or more customer specific protocols like DNP3, IEC60870-5-104, IEC61850, POSC WITSML, Modbus (Master/Slave) etc.
- Individual assignments for protocols and client addresses (IP) possible
- Ethernet communication to and from clients with high bandwidth
- Module comes with built-in user configurable Firewall and enables reliable operation even in WAN’s
- Secure data transmission and individual authorisation according TLS- Standard (RFC 2246)
The MODBUS protocol was published by Modicon in 1979. It is a quite simple single master – multiple slave protocol widely used in general purpose SCADA applications. It provides binary (bit) and 16-bit integer data, but no floating point values, polled by the master, i.e. the slave cannot send data spontaneously. The protocol specification is openly published and royalty-free. In the DTS ECM, TCP/IP is used as transport layer.
IEC 60870-5
IEC 60870-5 provides a communication profile for sending basic Telecontrol messages between systems. It was developed by the IEC Technical Committee 57 (Working Group 03) as a protocol standard for Telecontrol, Teleprotection, and associated telecommunications for electric power systems. The result of this work is IEC 60870-5. The protocol provides inter alia bit, integer and floating point data with or without time stamps. Data is transmitted from controlled stations (slaves) either by polling or spontaneously. In the ECM the IEC 60870-5-104 companion standard, defining standard TCP/IP connections as transport layer, is used.
DNP3 (Distributed Networking Protocol) is an open standard managed by the DNP User Group. Initially; the DNP3 protocol was developed by Westronic (now GE-Harris) in 1993. It is widely used in electrical systems worldwide, including North and South America, the UK, Southeast Asia, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. It has gained wider use beyond electrical utilities, e.g. for water supply as well. The DNP3 protocol is also referenced in IEEE Std. 1379-2000, which recommends a set of best practices for implementing modern SCADA Master-RTU/IED communication links.
The protocol provides bit, integer and floating point data and time stamps. Data is transmitted from the outstation (slave) either by polling or spontaneously. The ECM uses TCP/IP as transport layer, but even in this mode the DNP3 protocol additionally uses its own protocol stack for synchronisation and error checking. This provides extra security.
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